Saturday, September 19, 2020

An Interview with Vivacious Cosplayer and Professional Wrestler Kylie Morgan


An Interview with Vivacious Cosplayer and Professional Wrestler Kylie Morgan


Do you think that there is a place for overt femininity in professional wrestling in a world which tends to be more accepting of those who are breaking gender norms rather than conforming to them?

Kylie Morgan: I definitely see several independent wrestlers who are overtly girly. Even myself, I try to be that pretty girl because that’s because that’s what I’m pigeon holed into it. It doesn’t just end there, Kat Von Hesse who celebrates how powerful she is. I would say she’s more feminine than I am. There’s definitely a place for it, along with other versions of it.


What does femininity mean to you?

Kylie Morgan: I guess I wouldn’t really consider myself very feminine. I’ve always been more tomboyish. I used to think that it was something along the lines of wearing cute dresses, curly hair, typically feminine traits. Owning who you are in you are as a woman in your body. It’s hard to explain, but, I guess looking passed what society and culture detracts as feminine traits. Looking passed what people say what a women dictates to you. I consider myself more of a tomboy but that doesn’t make me any more or less of a woman.


Do you like flowers? Which are you favourite?

Kylie Morgan: Orchids. Hibiscus or pansies.


Kylie Morgan's dog interrupts the interview to say "hello".


What is your cultural background and how is that significant to you?

Kylie Morgan: I'm born and raised in Calgary. Done a lot of traveling but I always come back to Calgary.

Where did you train in professional wrestling?

Kylie Morgan: I trained with lance storm in 2018. I did the May class. It was a three month intensive bootcamp where you start with bumping, locking up and full matches although I wouldn’t call them full matches now because that’s the best that we could do.


Do you have any favourite works of literature?

Kylie Morgan: I’ve never consider myself to be a big reader. I do read non-fiction. There’s a book that I really like and I think it’s titled, How Not to Give A Fuck.


I understand that you’re really into cosplay which is influenced by the fiction of videogames. Which videogames are your favourite, and when and why did you start cosplaying?

Kylie Morgan: I’ve been a cosplayer since I was fifteen or so. It’s been building up over the years. I worked with a few notable names in cosplay. I’m trying to transfer that audience over to wrestling and there is a cross-over between cosplaying and wrestling fans.

Does it ever scare you having such a large following?

Kylie Morgan: Sometimes I have to think twice about what I say online. But, no. Not really. I don’t really think about it too much.


Favourite foods?

Kylie Morgan: I'm a big fan of pasta and bread which is a big issue when you’re a wrestler. I love Thai food, I love Japanese food, all Japanese food.


Favourite professional wrestlers?

Kylie Morgan: I didn’t actually get into wrestling until I was in my twenties. I got into it from my last boyfriend. The Ultimate warrior, and Macho Man. I started really liking Seth Rollins and Sasha Banks and then Charlotte. When I started branching out from WWE I started watching NJPW. Okada and Kenny Omega were definitely my favourites. I like a ton of wrestlers now for different reasons.

Favourite Videogames?

Kylie Morgan: I'm very hard into videogames. I love them! I play a new one almost every month now. It’s been a stable in my life for quite some time as long as I remember. The Final Fantasy series, Silent Hill, rpgs such as Persona. One of my favourite franchises is also Red Dead Redemption. There's this older one called Legend of Dragoon. I could name a bunch!

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