Wednesday, January 27, 2021

An Interview with Randy Myers Over the Telephone


An Interview with Randy Myers Over the Telephone

By: Mark Chetcuti 

Did you know Tokyo Joe?

I did yeah. He was a trainer for TJ Wilson, Harry Smith, Nattie and Rick Viktor among other wrestlers such as Dave Swift.

I was the bump dummy – someone to teach their technique with Natalya. I was very fortunate to be given that position.

What combat sports did you practice growing up, if any?

None. I was more into drama and theatre and the arts.

What are your signature moves?

Right now, I am using the move called The Get Well soon. It is a combination and a variation of the Go To Sleep and Attitude Adjustment.

Where did you start training and would you elaborate on what your training conditioning consisted of?

I started training in 2000 at Teddy Hart’s training camp at BJ’s gym by Tyson Kidd and Davey Boy Smith Jr. I worked for the short-lived mat rats promotion. I moved onto some stuff with Stampede Wrestling and got to train in the dungeon.

The gimmicks are not different but it is more than who I really am. Glimpses of my current personality.

How did you end up in Vancouver?

I’ve been wrestling in Calgary for fifteen years. I had some different opportunities, ECCW. I had some opportunities out here and wanted to further those opportunities.

Have you suffered any injuries?

Yes. I had broken my leg. I had broken my hand. I had all sorts of in ring injuries. Suffered some concussions last year. Wrestling is a dangerous thing.

Where did you get the idea for the Weirdo Hero moniker?

I’ve always been a hero for the weirdos, for people who have been treated different. It wasn’t always people who fit in who were the bad guy. Sometimes it was people who were different who were the good guy.

Do you have any favourite Hollywood films or popular books?

I love old horror movies. Night of the Living Dead, Day of the Dead series – I’m always trying to catch-up what I missed over the years. Evil Dead – Re-animator – similar to pro wrestling – campy, over the top films.

Fantasy based films and stories of a violent world but also one in which we are still working together! Team work to make the most disgusting thing you can.

Did you have any favourite cartoons growing up?

Ren and Stimpy, Animaniacs, My Pet Monster, The Tick.

What foods do you enjoy eating?

Every single morning I have a bowl of oatmeal with vanilla protein powder mixed in and 4-6 eggs. That and I like Sour Patch Kids as well.

Can we expect you back in DEFY? Do you have a written or verbal contract with DEFY?

Currently I am their longest reigning champion. Due to the lockdown I haven’t defended it once. Since then I haven’t defended it. But, I am the longest reigning champion without any title defenses.

Does your character suffer from a mental health disorder? If so, which one?

My character is very see-through. When you hear people say that they are turning up to 11 – anxiety, depression and OCD and ADD.


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An Interview with Randy Myers Over the Telephone

  An Interview with Randy Myers Over the Telephone By: Mark Chetcuti  Did you know Tokyo Joe? I did yeah. He was a trainer for TJ Wils...