Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Interview #1. Mark Chetcuti interviews, Mark 'The Myth' Chetcuti

Mark: Well, this should be interesting, it looks like you will have the turn the light inward and interview yourself today.

The Myth: I am prepared to do so. You see, I live in a world of duality, a split of pro wrestling personality. 

Mark: I see... Interesting... Have you talked to your psychiatrist about this?

The Myth: Why heavens no! He will think that I am a mad man!

Mark: Interesting once more. Let's ask some tough questions.

The Myth: Okay. I hope that none of these questions are about calculus, for that is much too tough and difficult for me to answer.

Mark: ..................

Mark: When did you want to become a professional wrestler?

The Myth: When I was a young boy living in the city of Brampton. I saw Shawn Michael's boyhood dream angle come true then grew upset with the World Wrestling Entertainment company because that was my dream at the time. 

Mark: You realize that professional wrestlers are highly trained combatants of the ring, the squared circle. What makes you any different?

The Myth: I trained at several pro wrestling schools for several years.

Mark: Fascinating. Which championships have you held?

The Myth: None yet, but I am still trying.

Picture of Mark 'The Myth' Chetcuti

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